We are an award-winning charity that is dedicated to advancing education by embedding creativity in mainstream learning.

Why we do it

In 2007, we embraced the challenge of contributing to a better world through creativity education, which we believe holds the key to unlocking human potential and ushering in a new era of advancement.

Read how MASK contributes towards addressing the Global Goals by fostering creativity in the younger generation. 

How we do it

Our mission is to embed creativity in mainstream education, as well as broader society. Our creativity education model recognises creative thinking as inherently visual, with art playing a pivotal role in fostering innovation.

What we do

  • MASK Awards, a national and international platform for schools and young people, to motivate youthful creativity and enhance recognition of creativity and its benefits within society.

  • Creativity in Action Teacher Project (CATP) supports creativity in the classroom, producing MASK's teaching and learning materials based on the MASK Creativity Education Model.

  • MASK Artists and MASK Innovators assist young people in strengthening their creativity through art, and applying their innovation in socio-economic realms.

        What we achieve

        We cultivate a collective of creative young minds — artists, entrepreneurs, social innovators, leaders and high-performing professionals — who aspire to improve the world. Over the last 17 years, we have:

        • delivered over 5,000 Creativity Clubs workshops in 25 schools in Kenya;
        • pioneered MASK Awards, which has reached 370 schools and attracted over 16,500 entries from 16 countries in Africa;
        • partnered with over 80 schools and organisations worldwide to organise more than 50 exhibitions that reached more than 650,000 people globally. 

        Our team

        MASK is led and supported by a team of creative and dedicated individuals and organisations.