Enrties received: 4,900 in total; out of those 4,375 works of art; 190 videos; 120 poems; and 215 innovative ideas/solutions to the Global Goals challenges

Number of schools participated: 131, including 20 universities and colleges

Countries participated: Kenya, Ethiopia, Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroon, and Malawi

Cash prizes - totalling 300,000 Ksh - were supported by Rivers Foundation, The Linbury Trust, Andrew Skipper (UK); The Nobelity Project (USA); and Mabati Roling Mills (Kenya).

Internship Prize - a 3-month paid job placement - was supported by the Heroes for Change, a social leadership programme of Unilever - East Africa.


Each winning school receives KSH 50,000 cash


  • Light International School Primary from Nairobi; Teacher  - Mr.Joseph Kidiga, Headteacher Mr. Burgady Osman
  • Children in Freedom School, Nakuru; Headteacher Dr Utheri Kanayo
  • Children of God Relief Institute, teacher Sister Julia.


Out of 131 schools, our judges nominated these schools: 

Academy of Graphic Technologies, Nairobi

Anidan Art Centre, Lamu

Bungumeri Primary School, Kisumu

Chesamisi Boys High School, Bungoma

Chema Mixed Academy, Mirangine

Citam Schools Buru Buru, Nairobi

COGRI Art club, Nairobi

Daribini Arts and Talent Academy, Kiserian

Emeroka Mixed Secondary School, Kisii

Golden Key School, Mombasa

Greenyard Junior School, Ngong

Kenya Saijikiu Haiku Forum, Nairobi

Kigwa Ridge School, Muthaiga

Light International School-Primary, Nairobi

Lenana Girls High School, Kitale

Moi Girls High School, Eldoret

Mukuni Wood Studio

Ngong Technical and Vocational College, Mwingi

Nyabururu Girls’ National School, Kissi

Raila Educational Centre, Nairobi

Sidon Children Home, Nairobi

St. Andrew's International High School, Blantyre, Malawi

St.Patrick's High School 

Taswira Art Club, Nairobi

Thika Technical Training institute, Thika


Each prize is KSH 50,000 cash

1st prize - Ian Banja

2nd prize - Baraka Joseph Mutukua

3rd prize - shared by Lourine Ochieng and Risper Omongo

Judges prize (10,000 KSH each): shared by Jonathan Songolo from Congo and Baraka Shamia from Kenya


Prize is KSH 10,000 cash

Felicity Mudis

We received more than 120 poems








Prize - a 3-month fylly paid intenship at a company The Heroes for Change

WINNER - sociology student Wendy Moraa, 21, Nairobi, for her vision of 'The School of the Future'

ART - Under 25 


190 videos of paintings, singing, dancing, acting, fashion, poetry, news, and documentaries were entered. These were nominated:

Hadithi za Babu painting by Chrispin Kimani

Glow-Real song by Clifford Lisamula

Film 'Creatives' World' by Stephen Sembi

Singing by Cosmus Ndula

Dreadlocked documentary by Reagan Gibendi

Portfolio by Brian Kipsang

Film 'Kibra children appreciate the computer lab and library build in their school' by Elvis Ouma

KIMAKAVELI song by Bryson Bebe


Samuel Juma


Cate Wangeci, Kenya


Her mind is a cobweb,
Twisted with questions, thoughts, insights,
A vast fisher's net, in need of answers,
An empty vial, thirsting for a fill,
Hungry for the fullness of knowing,
Who she is, who she wants to be,
What's her star, her destiny,
She's an equation,
With various angles of solutions,
But she only sees a labrynth,
Dotted with expectations, stereotypes,
From a world she didn't choose,
Is there room for her thoughts?
For her desires, dreams, her viewpoint?
She can only wonder,
But with patience she will discover,
She is the only one with the answers.

WINNER - Felicity Mudis, Kenya

The Revolution

It was a woman who taught me that a woman's vocabulary includes only 3 words, yes, please and the famous I’m sorry.

They’d slip through my tongue like tales of old, stuck in my memory, like a leech, sucking me, blood, skin and bones, she silenced my voice, backed and buried in a tomb so deep.

No, no, I wasn’t born mute, I become one, my vocal chords, hoarse from my silent screams clouded in despair and agony.

It was a woman who introduced me to patriarchy, she let chauvinism thrive in her hands, grumbling but feeding it, complaining but nursing it, fuelling it, misogyny flourished, consuming her whole, it destroyed her but she destroyed herself.


But maybe, maybe it was because she didn’t know better and even if she did know better maybe it was because she was afraid to do better, to be better.


I dare say we can create a revolution. In fact, we can be the revolution and as beautiful as that sounds, it’ll take work, on the inside before the out.


So I dare you, queen, to fight every single raging battle in the inside of you and win.

The ones against your self- esteem, your self-worth, your body image, your dreams and desires, the cultures around you, people's perceptions of you, the limitations set by society for you, your ideas on men, on fellow women, the traumas you’ve lived through, your insecurities and depression.

I hope you heal. I hope you learn to speak again even if you’ll have to start with ABC.

I hope you learn to laugh again, with the abandon of a little girl whose known no darkness or gloom, like the great warrior you are, audaciously stepping into the battlefield, committed to victory, not just for you but so that your fellow sisters, your daughters, the generations coming after you never have to fight such wars ever again.

I hope you keep evolving every day and once you do, queen, you will be unstoppable, you will be the revolution and maybe, just maybe, we will all know how it feels like to walk this world unafraid.

Martina Natasha, Kenya

59 Years of Freedom

59 years of freedom

But I don't feel so free

The only thing that changed

The oppressor

I'm not trying to shame the system

I'm just trying to make my voice heard

When a poor man is accused

He's as good as dead

The rich accused

I don't really need to explain

Hey giants up there,

Do you know the struggles of the common mwananchi

Vices the daily order of the day

Corruption, eviction, taxation

Oppressed in So many ways

You tell us everything will be ok

But does that only apply to you?

We are greatly wronged

We are tired of this recurring trend

We've listened for way too long

but we don't see a change

Our innocent brothers and sisters killed

By those who trusted to protect

Sweating everyday

To feed the greedy

Education! No just an example of one

That's what we get

Substandard services

Our youth have turn to drugs

For drugs don't disappoint

Years wasted on education

But what for?

To just sit around and wait?

The system has wronged us yet again

Betrayed our trust and killed our dreams

59 years of freedom

So they say!


59 years.


Environmental Activist challenge 

Salma Juma, 22, Mariakani. My solution to deforestation and soil erosion is starting campaign on tree planting encourage agroforestry and zero grazing.


Silas Magu, 22, Gitaru, Kiambu. Levitate water to the Moon.


Joshua Onchaga, 20, Nyeri. Manage domestic waste  through waste segregation.


Amos Kombo, 21, Kakamega. Companies’ HR departments should be loyal to employees not employers.


Yvonne Nzilani, 22, Nairobi, a member at Warembo Wasanii Initiative, an eco-artist who creates wearable outfits and 2D artworks using plastic waste materials and run education workshops.Educating manufacturers about the importance of reusability of the plastics. Educate community about the importance of recycling offering them creative ideas for recycling.


Faith Wafula, 20, Nairobi, United States International University. Use drones powered by solar energy to irrigate crops.


Eric Mutuku, 20, Nakuru. Raring young chicks using the used tires.


Alex Ndeleva, 25, Mombasa. I'm a visual artist who uses art for social change and currently working with Pwani Youth Network organization. My innovation is PlastSafi is a plastic recycling initiative. I help youths to collect plastic waste and make artworks, and various goods such as football gears, shin guards and cones.


Omar Omara Abae, 22, Hola. Deforestation and soil erosion. I would like the government to create awareness and uphold policies that safeguard the forest, and come with the initiative of planting trees.


Japheth Achimba, 20, Webuye, United People Global. The Green Life Globals is a community based program aimed at educating the community on climate change.


Shelley Kiarie, 23, Multimedia University, Nairobi. ECO-BOOKSHELVES made from carton boxes.

George Owiso, 23, Nairobi. Footbridge solution. Elevators or lift ramp to be attached to over-roads pedestrian footbridges to help physically disabled people.


Horace Ouko, 24, Kisumu.

  1. POLLUTED AIR, WATER, LAND AND SOIL. Electric vehicles.
  2. INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC WASTE. Companies recycle the waste their products produce.
  3. DESTROYED FLORA AND FAUNA HABITAT. Create more reservation parks.
  4. DEFORESTATION AND SOIL EROSION. Deploy trees conservancy agents in every community.

Kingsley Kwanga, 23, Nairobi. SEWERAGE BLOCKAGE DETECTION AND ALERT SYSTEM  to alert authority of the exact blockage location early enough before it overflows. A sonar sensor is used to send a SMS signal alert through the GSM module to the relevant authorities.

Young Entrepreneur challenge

Lennox Omondi, 20, Nairobi. Eco-Bana is a social enterprise that manufacturers biodegradable sanitary pads from banana fibers. Our products are cheap yet quality and comfortable, we sell it at $0.43 whereas normally a Kenyan girl spends over $2 for pads. Eco-Bana is more than just a product it is a movement of liberations and empowerment for millions of girls and women. Instagram and Facebook page all @ eco_banalimited.


Samwel Nyachuba Muma, 20, Kisii. My idea is Paperstar EcoPencil, pencils made from recycled newspapers. The business has a projection to make sh. 100,000 per month, and a profit of 1.2 million in the first year. I currently work with two very talented people in their fields.


Dulla  Shiltone, 21, Limuru. Eco-Bana sanitary pads is a youth led project by students from St. Paul’s University in Limuru Kenya. Who works hand in hand to produce biodegradable, eco-friendly and hygienic sanitary pads made from banana fibers.


Victor Aluda Ngala, 24, a student at Sigalagala Polytechnic. I have a project on Jigger treatment because people suffer of jigger infestation. I target to treat 200 people by the end of the year.


Stanley Sigowo, 27, Machakos. Industrial and domestic waste. The u-bin, a device integrated into the lids of the bins that detects the level of waste in the bin and alerts to a waste management company.


Eric Mwirichia, 25, Nairobi. Our Smart Bins sort waste from source, while giving rewards points. They are afitted with sensors that collects data (such as fill level and weight) that allows governments and companies to make informed policies and resource allocation. We have been supported by the Ford Fund and the Kenya Climate Incubation Center to built 6 prototypes and carried out 2 successful pilots at a Coca Coca Bottling plant in Embakasi and at Multimedia University of Kenya. At both locations and with just over 240 users, we have been able to collect over 1.5 tons of Plastic waste, preventing over 4 tons of CO2 emission.

Denis Otieno, 25, Kisumu - Rhyme and Vocals. Rhyme and Vocals will expose exceptional talents who cannot achieve their aspiration due to financial instabilities and marketing skills, thus helping them gain and create a solid fanbase. The finance from this competition will be resourceful in initiating the first phase of the program because I believe it will be self-regenerating through online subscriptions and advertisements.

The School of the Future challenge

Silas Magu, 22, Gitaru, Kiambu. AI pen. AI will link offline and online schooling. It is a gadget that monitors the students study routines. This pen has the capacity to learn and interact with the student through the following features: signature lock, accuracy and handwriting coaching, spelling and speech, group work and more.

Samuel Waweru, 21, Nairobi. Setting up coding training centers countrywide would be widely appreciated by youths who have an interest and passion in programming. Training takes three months, and one is equipped with the necessary skills for the job market. We would charge Ksh 150,000 per student for a complete course. 


Eliseus Bamporineza, 24, Bujumbura. Teach to Think. Current and future generations should be equipped with tools that enable them to think for themselves. As the internet of things and artificial intelligence shapes the future workspace, children need to learn about technologies and techniques of artificial intelligence. Workshops to enhance the integration of AI teaching into school curriculum should be prioritized. There is a need for an online school that parts ways with traditional physical school especially for social sciences. 

Alfonce Yano, 23, Kisumu. Imagine a future school with no physical classrooms, no exercise books or even pens. Your teachers will always be with you through your handsets. These schools won’t be focused on knowledge but on your the ability to use knowledge to solve emerging problems. Our kids will be taught by virtual assistants powered by artificial intelligence. Imagine learning at your own pace without restrictions and constrains of the walls of a classroom.The school of the future will embrace who you are and what you can do without piling societal beliefs and stereotypes on you. It will strive to show students love and provide the rights tools for their success. Art will be used to sharpen creativity. We’ll learn through experience and not analogy. Subjects such as design, programming, internet of things, blockchain, artificial intelligence and web 3.0 will be the basis of our education. It will also embrace content creation and cyber security.


WINNER - Wendy Moraa, 21, Nairobi.

The education system has been repetitive, tedious and bland. So much weight is placed on exams. As a result, it produces exhausted graduates with very few applicable skills and a resentment for learning. In my School of the Future, subjects like coding, philosophy and arts will be taught. Teachers will be of the highest calibre, with a genuine desire to impact students’ lives positively. It will be situated on large land with ample space to accommodate learners and their interests. There will be sports facilities, laboratories and even a school farm run by students. Adequately funded, my School of the Future can produce well rounded, free thinking individuals who will be of benefit to society

Dorothy Wangechi, 19, Nairobi. I recently went for a visit in the Maa community and realized that the government hasn’t invested much in the young kids education. It is important that these children are exposed to a good education rather than them growing up depending on tourism. The children need to know that they are not ‘artefacts’ and have dreams of their own. This to me is the school of the future that I am looking forward to.

Sidjesse Matere, 23, Nairobi. Using Virtual and Augmented Reality in education to provide intuitive and interactive learning experiences.

Christian Kambale Kasomo, 24, The Founding President For Purpose-Driven Youth. Christian's aim is "positive transformation, education in values and promotion of youth in Congo and Kenya." The youth creates clubs to educate the community and promote education, peace, reconciliation, entrepreneurship, and culture. It makes the difference through campaigns and art, books, and technology. The school of the future is based on unity, justice, hope, innovation, work, dialogue, opportunity, equality, tolerance, freedom, democracy, leadership, development through awareness, respect for human rights, and dignity.

Danielle Wijenje, 21, Nairobi. Gap years should be made compulsory in all learning institutions in Kenya after high school. This should give students time to find out what they would like to do in life. Alternatively, students should study at school 3 days a week, and spend other 2 days doing work placement, shadowing, or taking extra courses.

Asaph Wenslause, 19, Nairobi. Schools should focus on making students more aware of problems facing the world. The real question in every student's mind should be 'what can I do now to solve this problem' rather than 'what career will I do in future.' The mindset of students should be changed to selflessness, thinking about other people and the environment. This way, they would live more productive lives and earn more. The school of the future is the one that induces creativity and promotes life changing ideas.

Fredrick Oanda, 19, Nairobi. The school of the future is an institute that transcends the boundaries of age, geographical disposition, and societal norms. Sports, art and IT are the hallmarks of success and the growth of economies.

Charles Mwangi, 19, Lodwar. Students will become partners and co-creators of their own learning.

Kisha Kimani, 24, Nairobi. The omission of African culture in the syllabus brings contradiction in our beliefs. We need to strengthen relationship and trust between a student and a teacher. Learners should be given right to question the system when things are not right. This will reduce strikes and develop leadership skills. School is a union of parents, teachers, and society. If one drops off there will be a failure. 

Rayfrank Kibaara, 22, Nairobi. EDUMETAVERSE: A VIRTUAL 3D SCHOOL. This is an application which will allow learners and teachers to have a better interaction with each other, make learning more engaging and improve on learning as a whole. A metaverse is a virtual computer-generated environment where people can connect with each other in a 3D world.

Joseph Makonge, 21, a student at Kabarak University graduating in animation, graphic design and game development, Nairobi. The school for the future is where students have fun and enjoy learning. My EDUTAINMENT idea is educational video games, i.e. animated explainer videos that use animation that explain variety of lessons/subjects.

Schools - ART


COGRI Art club, Nairobi

Light International School-Primary, Nairobi

Schools - FILM & VIDEO

Papa lolo by St. Patrick's High School students, Iten

Schools - POETRY

The Golden Key School, Mombasa

Crystal clear our waters gleamed
Fish abundant, rivers streamed
Ocean floors sandy white
Now littered, brown, pollution's plight

Trees towered high above
Trunks baring professed love
Birds chirping from sites unseen
Gone, paper joined pollution's team

Protect what has been given for free

Our waters, skies, wildlife and trees

For once they're gone, don't you say

Consider yourself warned of that fatal day.

Kenya Saijikiu Haiku Forum, Nairobi

dark rain clouds -
my father shepherding sheep
into their pen

cooking toy -
the little girl plays
a good mother

chilly evening -
my brother cuddling a cat
in our home


Environmental Activist challenge


Lenox Muthengi, 11, from Kerugoya Goodshepherd Academy, Kerugoya, Kenya, came up with these solutions for 'Innovative Gardens' that can be placed on pavements, verandahs, rooftops, and the walls of buildings and fences, in plots and towns. They can also be hanged on tree branches.

The School of the Future challenge

Students of Chema Mixed Academy, Mirangine:

'My dream school is a place where learning is fun,

It's a school where everyone is accepted for who they are,

And there's no such thing as a bad grade.

In my dream school, the teachers are kind and caring,

They're always willing to help, no matter what the issue is.

And the students are all polite and well-behaved.

There's never any bullying or fighting,

Because everyone respects each other

In my dream school, there are lots of different clubs and activities,

So there's something for everyone to enjoy.

And the curriculum is designed to challenge us,

So that we can reach our full potential.

This is my dream school,

And I can't wait to go there!'

Berzy Cherono, 16, of Nyabururu Girls’ National School, Kissi:


'We want a school that has modern technology and good learning space; teachers make lessons interesting; students are able to learn what they are interested in; exams are replaced by regular tests; and subjects like Agriculture are given priority as it is a backbone of our country, as well as the subjects that develop our talents such as the creative arts.'

Young Entrepreneur challenge

Students of Lenana Girls High School, Kitale:

The Nalena Pads Project is to make sanitation pards out of sugar cane waste. This solution will solve the problems of menstrual hygiene and of sugar millers waste disposal.

Physical exercise by Chantell Minayo, 5

Singing by Blessingmary Kavindu, 6

INNOVATION - under 15

The School of the Future challenge

Diyan Shah, 10, Nairobi. The School of the Future will teach children agriculture, trading, and fitness. It will offer space travel and travelling globally. It will involve children in community service. Creativity, exploring new environments, fun math and experiments will be mandatory. It will feature cool and advanced technologies; this will help children to see the fun of learning. Children will innovate in all the activities. They will have lots of fun like arcades, water slides, theme parks and much more.

Priyanka Pratin Shah, 9, Nairobi. In the future technology will take over. Therefore, it will be important for schools to teach the young children to not become mindless and fully dependent on technology. Schools will have basic subjects like maths, language, science as wellas business, farming and technology. Schools will have a special tables that can turn into anything. Sometimes it will ask children to solve a riddle and then they can write the answer on the table and it will tell them if it is correct or not. If they ask for food the table will have some food stored. The table can also help you study. It will also keep track of the exercise you do and the food that you need to stay healthy. It can turn into a bed that the students can use during nap time. This table will be every student's  best friend at school.  The School will have a massive pool, a ballroom and a dancing room. There will be a vegetable garden that students will plant food.  There will be a big empty wall where every lunch time children can paint something creative.

Enviromental Activist challenge

Prince Groot, 10, Nairobi. Deforestation and so, inv_environmental

Deforestation and soil erosion. Solutions include:

  1. Educate people on the dangers of deforestation and soil erosion.
  2. Stopillegal logging of trees. And plant as many trees as possible especially to restore lost forest.
  3. Toxic waste chemicals should be disposed in designated points to protect the soil.


Young Entrepreneur challenge

Chelsea Queen, 12, Nairobi - Dance for gilrs. I am the founder of AfroStarCrew with over 45,000 subscribers on YouTube which is led by the slogan EMPOWERGIRLS.  I give chances to anyone who could like to dance. I believe in dance as a special  art. I HAVE INSPIRED MANY YOUNG DANCES.

Melvin Mboga, 8, Nairobi - Cartoon Thor. My name is Melvin Mboga am 8 years old. I go to Waridi Utawala School and am in grade 3. I have passion for drawing, especially cartoons, though I do not have enough resources to nature my talent but I hope soon will have enough resources. Thank you

Wema Fuchaka, 13, Nairobi, From a hobby to a job. When a young person turns their passion into a job, they are more likely to love and be dedicated to it. This will reduce the number of corrupt business people in the country making it a corruption free environment.  A bakery is an easy business to start just at the comfort of your home. Beginning with selling small things like cookies or cupcakes to family and friends, you can start earning and gradually build up capital to grow the business further and open a small bakery and café.

Kevin Kariuki, 10, Nairobi. PWALLET (passwords wallet) is an application that can help will be to recognize, record and save someone’s usernames , phone numbers , emails and user codes as well as their passwords from many different websites and applications.

Allisanne Wambui Ngige 12, Nairobi, Turning Industrial and household waste into micro gardens. I grow plants in used tires, paint containers, plastic bags and wooden pallets, used animal feeds bags, and milk containers creating micro gardens that can help families subsidize on their kitchen budgets especially on these hard times where cost of living is high. They can be maintained even on balconies where sufficient gardens are not available. I have documented these on series of short vedios that I have uploaded on you tube Green Mazingira Africa: https://youtube.com/channel/UCzOWoXYvXq7Opjo9p5GLO_w. I continue to innovate around this space. I hope my contribution will spur and motivate other young students to innovate and make positive changes to our community.


The MASK Awards 2021 & 2022 Ceremony took place at the Kenyan Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in Nairobi on 15 October 2022.

The Ceremony was opened by Dr Samuel Obudho, who on behalf of the Director of the KICD Professor Charles Ong’ondo said: "The government's vision is to nurture talents and we share this vision with MASK. MASK has been highly successful nationwide in supporting young creativity and imagination, a core curriculum competence in Kenya. It is because of MASK we can celebrate your creativity here today."


Margaret Lesuuda, a Deputy Director at the Kenyan Ministry of Education, joined the Ceremony via zoom: "At the Ministry of Education we remain committed to supporting MASK that empowers our youth." Mrs Lesuuda is an old friend of MASK. She opened MASK's exhibitions in London in 2013-2016 while she worked as Education Attaché at the Kenyan High Commission.


Alan Rivers, the Rivers Foundation Founder and a long-standing supporter of MASK, awarded prizes.  

  • Watch Dr Samuel Obudho's speech here
  • Watch an interview of MASK Awards Founder Alla Tkachuk on Citizen TV here
  • Watch a film 'Create through the eyes of Danielle Wijenje' about her Internship that she won in the Innovation category in 2019 here
  • The MASK Awards Ceremony was highlighted in the Kenyan national newspaper The Star, see the picture below.

Video of the MASK Awards ceremony held at the Kenyan Institute of Curriculum Development in Nairobi in October 2022


Andrew Skipper

A personal donor