Dream It. Do It

Dream It. Do It

Dream It. Do It - is a curated collection of inspiring ideas from MASK’s young innovators (ages 14-25) that showcases the boundless creativity and potential of youth, offering a glimpse into the transformative impact they can have on the world.

Each idea addresses one of the following global challenges:

  • Reducing inequalities
  • Alleviating poverty
  • Generating jobs
  • Preserving life on land
  • Safeguarding life below water
  • Reimagining the school of the future

These ideas were collected through MASK Awards, which has so far reached 63 countries across all continents.

Through this initiative, we aim to create a platform that not only celebrates youth creativity but also explores how it can lead to meaningful societal change, driving action and conversation toward a better tomorrow.


Dream It. Do It aims to:

  • Empower young people to unlock their purpose and potential as proactive innovators by amplifying their voices and demonstrating that the power to shape the future lies in their hands.
  • Showcase case studies of how our young people turn ideas into tangible results.
  • Increase youths' involvement in policymaking by informal collaborations with government agencies to inform policy changes that can transform society.

This platform is accessible online via the MASK website and across MASK’s Instagram and other social media channels, making it open to all.